Biotech & Art

Biotechnology is an integral aspect of modern science and exemplifies the union of science and art. The very essence of biotechnology is tweaking an organism at its biological core. Through the manipulation of genes through certain drugs, experiments, hormones, etc., it is akin to take a brush painting over a picture. In doing biotechnology has led to the cross organize genetic engineering as studied during this week. Examples of these include artificially injecting genes into animals and even as far as human DNA inside a plant. However, the field does come with its concern. One of the most controversial field of biotechnology is tweaking the genetic makeup of an embryo to produce the exact babies parents desire. Someone would be able to change anything from physical attributes to potentially making their kids smarter through genetic modification. With the advancement of technology progressing at an exponential rate, future technology would allow biotechnology to advance to a point where “designer babies” will be a reality. Personally, something like this seems antithesis to human. The beauty of being human is the randomness at which we are being born. And to have the ability to alter that will essentially allow humans to design and draw human beings as they want.


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