Medtech & Art

It’s hard to find a field that stands unilaterally in our ever-merging world. Fields that were considered opposites have find common ground and has been a running theme of this course. Now we long onto medicine, technology, and art. According to Professor Mangione at Thomas Jefferson University, students with more “right brain” qualities are becoming more successful in today’s “digital, image-based world of medicine.” These right brain qualities relate to imagery, visual and drawing skills. Understanding medicine and anatomy requires to a strong sense of visual awareness and attention to detail, both traits that can be learned through art. Another example is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Relatively new technology, an MRI lets doctor essentially create portraits of the human body. It shows how the advancement of technology has led to changes in medicine that presents a crossover with art. All the imagery and visual stimuli in medicine and the need to decipher and understand it, there are many parallels between medicine and art. Technology has only made the stronger connection between two. Nowadays surgeries are simulated on computers through re-created models of the human anatomy for up and coming surgeons to practice. This high-tech training with models are building the future generations of doctors and medicine professionals. Over time as technology collaborates with medicine, the art of the medicine will be more clear.


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