Space and Art

In order to truly appreciate space & art, the definition for art needs to be expanded from a drawing to all forms of the art including movies and other visual mediums. There is no better example of space and art working together than in movies. Some of the most intricate and creative special effects have been in Sci-Fi movies. One recent example is Interstellar, which spends a lot of time in space. However, I think beyond the movies itself, the movie posters are also an artistic expression. Not only do they strive to convey the theme, but also hint at the story. A movie poster “says” a lot of things. The movie poster for the 1979 Alien is one of my favorite movie posters of all time. With 99.99% of the world not actually having seen space, everything we imagine about space is created thru art. If there wasn’t art, we wouldn’t really even be able to imagine what space would be life. Our whole perception of space is essentially a visually recreation. Space art also points to how art continues to stay relevant in an modern era, undermining it’s importance. Art transcends its filed to add and enhance other fields with it.


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